Sunday, January 11, 2015

The first part of January

We had our hopes up that Asher would be able to be home for New Years but he just wasn't quite ready for it. It was sad not having him with us, but everyday he was getting a little stronger. It was really hard waiting each day wondering if it would be the day they would let him come home. He would have times where he would do well without the oxygen helping him breath and even a couple times we got to the hospital and he didn't have his oxygen on, which was always a good surprise! But he ended up needing it go back on it and wasn't quite ready to be fully off of it yet. We loved visiting him and he was getting so big and sweet and gaining weight and eating well. 

We hoped maybe he'd be home for Luke's birthday on January 10, but they didn't think he was quite ready yet. But then the next day we showed up and they said he was doing so good and they thought he could go home with oxygen! We were so excited! Then it was a whirlwind getting him all ready to go, and before we knew it we were getting ready to leave with him! It seemed like the day would never come and when it finally did we were just so grateful he was better and made so much progress since he was born! I remember feeling so grateful and being so happy to have my family all together again, and the kids to all finally meet him! 

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